People with an interest in helping people to be healthier
You only need a computer with Internet connection
You only need a computer with Internet connection
Absolutely no experience is required.
The course shows you exactly how to work as a yoga instructor and become an expert!
I Standing poses ■ Skeleton and movement § Anatomy of the spine ■ Symmetry and asymmetry ■ Features of standing poses ■ Four simple stretches in standing positions ■ Standing back bands ■ Standing fold forward and hip flexion ■ Lateral torso tilts ■ What makes an asana difficult? ■ Trikonasana series ■ Poses for developing balance ■ Benefits of standing asanas
Back bends ■ Anatomy of flexion and extension ■ Breathing and back bends ■ Urdhva Mukha Svanasana "cobra" and its variants ■ Shalabhasana ■ Dhanurasana ■ Knee joint in some back bends ■ Back bends in the supine position ■ Ushtrasana ■ Contraindications ■ Benefits
Side and forward folds ■ Anatomy of a tilt ■ Lumbar and lumbosacral flexion ■ Sacroiliac nutation and counternutation ■ Hip joints flexion ■ Ankle joints flexion ■ Contraindications and warnings ■ Posterior bending stretching (in forward folds) ■ Breathing ■ Mobility of the sacroiliac joint ■ Mobility of the hip joints ■ Useful effects